Five Halloween Tips To Keep Your Body In Shape

One of the biggest reasons people suffer with their personal training is sticking to a diet. While your workout routine might be under control, it's likely your diet where you are suffering, especially when the holidays roll around, starting with Halloween. Here are five Halloween tips to help you fight the craving:

  1. Buy Candy the Day Off: If you are going to be home passing out candy, you will want to wait until last minute to actually purchase the candy you are passing out. This way, it's not around the house staring you in the face. If you aren't going to be home passing out candy, then don't purchase anything at all. Just be sure that you leave the lights off so trick-or-treaters know to pass your home up. 
  2. Buy Candy You Don't Like: If you are buying candy to pass out, then make sure it's not candy that you like. This way, you aren't tempted to eat any while waiting for people to come knocking on your door. Instead, you can leave the bowl by the door without any desire to touch it yourself. 
  3. Prepare Your Fridge for the Cravings: If you are craving candy, prepare your fridge to combat that craving with natural sweets, such as fruit. Pick your favorite fruit and snack on that instead. This is much better for your body and it's easier to work off because it doesn't contain as many calories, but it still helps you fight cravings. 
  4. Out of Sight, Out of Mind: If your kids are coming home with candy, you want to keep it out of sight, out of mind, not only for yourself, but also for your kids. After all, kids are more tempted to splurge on their Halloween candy, so it's important that they ask you for it so that you control how much they are eating at once and when they are eating it. Once you do give them candy, make it unreachable for yourself and your kids. Put it somewhere so that if you have a craving, it's not in easy access for you so that you aren't tempted either. 
  5. Toss or Donate It: Donating leftover candy is a great way to get rid of it. You can even walk to a fire station or anywhere in your community that is accepting donations of leftover candy. This way, you don't have an abundance of candy just sitting around the house. 

With these five tips, you start out the holiday season right. If you don't already, consider signing up to work with a personal training to keep your body in shape even during the holidays when most people tend to falter from their healthy routines. Contact a company, like EarthFit, for more help.
