Looking For Some Fitness Classes To Help With Self-Defense? Look Into These Options

Traveling a lot for work and alone can be scary, especially if you don't know a lot about how to defend yourself. If you are looking to improve your self-defense skills and just your overall strength so that you could stand up for yourself and protect yourself if you had do, there are some classes that could help.

It doesn't matter your level of athleticism and experience, most of these things can be taught if one is persistent and patient. Here are some of the classes to look into.

Yoga Martial Arts

If you are currently into taking some yoga, piyo or other similar fitness classes, then yoga martial arts training may be a good option for you. This will incorporate some of the strengthening, toning, and stretching techniques that you enjoy, while adding in some of the martial arts moves that you hope to learn. Look for a beginner course so you can take your time learning all of the proper moves and techniques.


Regular boxing with the arms and upper body is fun, but many people enjoy the workout and the maneuvers that they learn when they do a kickboxing class. This will not only help you to build up your core and cardiovascular strength to help defend yourself, but also to learn some moves that could help you fight off an attacker if needed.

Self-Defense Training

Self-defense training is ideal if you want to be able to defend yourself against an attack from another person. The training will help you:

  • Recognize potential predators focusing in you
  • Understand when people are likely to attack and how
  • Help you defend yourself against an attacker no matter what size or gender

You will be able to travel alone more confidently when you know the important moves that have to be made.

There are so many different types of classes and things that you can enjoy to help you build strength and confidence in your body, and also to help you learn some moves in case someone where to attack you. Look into the different options, and find out what option you think that you would enjoy the most and what choice will be the best for your current schedule and availability. Mixing and matching classes or moving to advanced levels is a great way to maintain your overall health and confidence over time, in case you ever do have to use the moves you've learned.
