Attributes to Assess Before You Buy a Mini Trampoline

A mini trampoline can be an integral part of a home-based workout—and a fun attraction on which your kids can bounce, too. You can find mini trampolines available from large-scale online retailers, sporting goods stores, and even general merchandise stores. As such, it's useful to carefully evaluate a handful of makes and models before you decide which trampoline you'll add to your home. Of course, the price of the device will influence which one you purchase, but you should also assess these attributes before you make your decision.

Sound During Use

It's ideal if you can shop for your mini trampoline in person, as doing so allows you to actually try out a few trampolines in the stores. One of the important characteristics to assess is how noisy the trampoline is when you're jumping on it. A mini trampoline workout—unlike many other home-based workouts—has the potential to be fairly quiet. Some mini trampolines are quieter than others. For example, the springs in some models will squeeze each time that you bounce. In others, you won't be able to hear any signs of your workout. Think about how you want to work out at home. If you plan to exercise after your young children are in bed, a quiet trampoline will serve you best.

Presence of Handle

Some mini trampolines have a handle mounted to one side that provides stability while you jump. Your experience with a trampoline-based workout can influence whether you should buy a trampoline with this safety device. An experienced trampoline user may not need the handle, but someone who is new to this type of workout can often benefit from being able to support himself or herself. If you've had an injury that affects your balance—and are perhaps using the trampoline as part of your at-home recovery protocol—the handle will be instrumental in your safety.

Ability To Fold

Some mini trampolines fold for easy storage. Generally, these models have collapsible legs and the trampoline itself will fold in half. Other models don't fold at all. The ability to fold is another attribute that is useful to assess. If you have a limited amount of space and perhaps will be using the trampoline in your living room while you watch TV, the ability to slide it under the couch when you're not using it will be handy. Conversely, if you have a small home gym set up in your basement, there's no harm in buying a trampoline that doesn't fold because you might leave it out on the floor at all times.

Contact companies like Cellular Health Innovations LLC. to learn more about mini trampolines.
